SPAA 2012: Morsel by Morsel – The Lowdown on Crowdfunding

With crowdfunding all the rage, SPAA 2012 served up an excellent session on crowdfunding and other non-traditional paths to putting together a budget. ScreenHub’s Andrew Einspruch was there taking dow
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With crowdfunding all the rage, SPAA 2012 served up an excellent session on crowdfunding and other non-traditional paths to putting together a budget. ScreenHub’s Andrew Einspruch was there taking down the the ins and outs and dos and don’ts for getting money from the masses.

The session Fattening the Calf: Morsel by Morsel was soberly chaired by entertainment lawyer Shaun Miller, and featured Anne Whitelaw from Aussie crowdfunding platform Pozible – as well as three producers who have brought non-traditional money into their feature films.

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Andrew Einspruch
About the Author
Andrew Einspruch has covered many conferences for Screenhub. His family production company has evolved into the story studio Wild Pure Heart, which is a vehicle for writing projects like his award winning humorous fantasy series, The Western Lands and All That Really Matters. He also helps to run a rescue farm and freelances as a technical writer.