FRAMED: Doing Business With India Seminar, Saturday October 27

OPEN CHANNEL in partnership with INSTITUTE OF SPECIALISED SKILLS, CITY OF MELBOURNE and FILM VICTORIA is proud to present a special seminar on working with the Indian
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OPEN CHANNEL in partnership with INSTITUTE OF SPECIALISED SKILLS, CITY OF MELBOURNE and FILM VICTORIA is proud to present a special seminar on working with the Indian Film and Television production industry, to be held at Open Channel – Saturday 27th October, 2012.

As well as providing an opportunity for attendees to discuss their own projects, this Q&A will cover:

  • an overview of the Indian Industry, key players etc
  • how to approach and work with the Indian Industry
  • brief overview of Co-Production status with India
  • Q&A with forum participants
  • cultural differences between the Indian and Australian industries.
  • Mr Sunit Tandon
    Sunit Tandon is presently Director General of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, the premier Mass Communication and Journalism Institute of the country, which is an autonomous institute of the Ministry of I&B, Government of India. The position is in the rank and scale of Additional Secretary to the Government of India. Prior to this, he was Chief Executive of the Lok Sabha Televsion Channel, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament of India. Lok Sabha Television is the world’s first television channel to be directly owned and operated by the National Legislature of any country. Earlier, as Executive Director of the Lok Sabha Television Channel, he was part of the core team that helped to set up and start the Channel in 2006. Earlier official positions held include: General Manager of the National Film Development Corporation Ltd (NFDC), Deputy General Manager of NFDC, and Deputy Director with the Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in charge of Film Selection and Programming for the International Film Festivals of India. Sunit Tandon is also a well-known news and current affairs anchor on Indian national television (Doordarshan and Lok Sabha Television) and a radio broadcaster for over thirty years on All India Radio. He has presented prime time news bulletins and anchoring election, budget and other live telecasts, apart from conducting one-on-one interviews with leading personalities and moderating discussion programmes on diverse topics. He presently anchors a series of in-depth interviews with eminent personalities entitled Conversations on Lok Sabha Television. He has been associated with theatre as an actor and director, working with such leading Delhi theatre groups as Yatrik, Stagedoor, Masque, Chingari, Scene Stealers, TAG, Primetime, Akshara, Natwa and with the Shakespeare Society, St. Stephen’s College. He has acted in over 120 plays and has directed more than 25 plays, including works by William Shakespeare, Jean Racine, George Bernard Shaw, Noel Coward, Neil Simon and Tom Stoppard. Some of his directorial ventures include, 9 Jakhoo Hill by Gurcharan Das (selected as one of the Ten Best Plays of the Year 1996 by the Times of India) for Yatrik, Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor and A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Shakespeare Society, St. Stephen’s College and Come as You Were by Nicholas Kharkongor for Yatrik. He has also, at various stages in his career, been a banker, a theatre critic, a western music critic.

    Roslyn Walker, Facilitator
    Roslyn’s producing credits include Baby Bath Massacre, Peaches and Portrait. Roslyn line-produced Not Quite Hollywood and is currently producing Remain in Light, a doco about Sean Godsell’s Design Hub building and line-producing Jabbed, a feature doco on vaccination. Roslyn was Manager of Film Victoria 1998 – 2002, SPAA Victorian Chapter Head for 5 years and is a member of the Victorian Working Party. Roslyn established the producing course at the VCA and lectured there for six years. She helped develop Open Channel’s Advanced Diploma in Screen and Media (TV and Film Development) and in 2012 travelled to LA on an International Specialised Skills Institute fellowship to study TV series development.

    Date: Saturday 27th October, 2012
    Time: 1:00pm to 4:00pm (including networking session from 4:00pm – 5:00pm
    with Light Refreshments served.)
    Cost: $10 for Open Channel members, $20 for non-members;
    includes Networking Food and Drinks
    Venue: Open Channel, Shed 4, North Wharf Road, Docklands
    Rsvp: By 25th October, 2012 – Email – or call Open Channel Reception on 03 8610 9300

    About the Author
    ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.