Fuel: Captain America

Sydney’s Fuel VFX delivered 120 shots in six sequences for the latest Marvel superhero blockbuster CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER.
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Sydney’s Fuel VFX delivered 120 shots in six sequences for the latest Marvel superhero blockbuster CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER.

Fuel’s VFX Supervisor Dave Morley led a team of more than 50 artists and technicians through production, ensuring that the team’s work was in line with the vision of director Joe Johnston and VFX Supervisor Christopher Townsend. “This is an effects-heavy film that’s set in the 1940s and stars a mythical superhero, but Joe and Chris never wanted the effects to be over-the-top or gratuitous. All the effects do in this movie is help to tell the story, so that’s the brief we worked to,” said Morley.

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