37 South 2011: secrets of recent Australian movie success

Which festival works best? Where should it be placed within the festival? Who should you choose as your sales agent? Where do you find your audience? And should the cast be willing to do anything?
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Which festival works best? Where should it be placed within the festival? Who should you choose as your sales agent? Where do you find your audience? And should the cast be willing to do anything?

Jenni Tosi, acting CEO of Film Victoria, was very pleased with the reception of Snowtown on the world stage, although she admitted that there were two main reactions from the audience – some said ‘that’s amazing filmmaking’ and the response of others was ‘oh my god that’s gruelling, but you have to go and see it.’

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Anne Richey
About the Author
Once the ScreenHub productions editor, Anne Richey is now an independent screenwriter and journalist.