AFCI Locations Expo: anyone need a volcano?

Not all publicity is good publicity. Last weekend's AFCI Locations Expo in Santa Monica went off with a bang for the Icelandic Film Commission. Everyone knew who they were, where they were, and its st
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Not all publicity is good publicity. Last weekend’s AFCI Locations Expo in Santa Monica went off with a bang for the Icelandic Film Commission. Everyone knew who they were, where they were, and its staff were berated and blamed for the eruption and disruption caused by the little island that could.

NZ, on the other hand, shone like burnished gold, coming away from the show with a couple of awards and a good clutch of enquiries. NZ was represented at the annual locations show by Film NZ, in the persons of soon-to-depart acting CEO Sue Thompson and freshly-minted CEO Gisella Carr.

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