Show Me Shorts: reaching out across the Tasman

The Show Me Shorts Film Festival is now calling for entries. The deadline is 5pm Monday the 5th of July. Show Me Shorts is New Zealand’s leading short film festival, playing Kiwi and Australian short
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The Show Me Shorts Film Festival is now calling for entries. The deadline is 5pm Monday the 5th of July. Show Me Shorts is New Zealand’s leading short film festival, playing Kiwi and Australian short films between three and 30 minutes long, made within the last three years.

Show Me Shorts will screen in 10 cities and towns throughout New Zealand from the 4th of November. The successful short filmmaking seminars of last year will also be repeated with the addition of a short film development lab, details of which will be announced in the coming months.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.