Game Connect Asia Pacific: Screen Forum

On Wednesday 19 November, Game Connect Asia Pacific is running a forum in Brisbane, designed for video game developers and film and TV practitioners. In the same room. At the same time.
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On Wednesday 19 November, Game Connect Asia Pacific is running a forum in Brisbane, designed for video game developers and film and TV practitioners. In the same room. At the same time.

Convergence? You better believe it. But itʼs not just about Games looking more like Films. Itʼs about production processes, financing, business models and content. This panel will examine these topics and more in a session designed for video game developers and film and television practitioners alike. Chaired by the President of the Game Developersʼ Association of Australia, and featuring one Video Game industry veteran and three leading lights from the Australian Film and TV industry, this half-day forum will broaden your perspective, and with luck leave you craving collaboration.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.