Tasmanians eager for Arts Law Seminar?

As part of Arts Law Week in Tasmania, the organisers need some confirmed attendees. Given the raw realities of the law that Roar Films is confronting right now, that might be a good idea.
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As part of Arts Law Week in Tasmania, the organisers need some confirmed attendees. Given the raw realities of the law that Roar Films is confronting right now, that might be a good idea.

22 September 2005, 1pm to 3pm (TBC)

Tasmanian artists and arts organisations will have the opportunity to gain legal advice and information through Arts Law Week which will run from 20th – 23rd September throughout the state. Information sessions and individual consultations will take place in Burnie, Launceston and Hobart for visual artists, musicians, filmmakers, writers, performers, Iindigenous artists and arts organisations.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.