NFSA: campaign that never died

It seems the NFSA still hungers for freedom. Despite public quiet, the various interest groups have combined to publish a campaigning report which wants the NFSA to have its own 'statutory base and le
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It seems the NFSA still hungers for freedom. Despite public quiet, the various interest groups have combined to publish a campaigning report which wants the NFSA to have its own ‘statutory base and legal personality.’ (If you are not careful, that last phrase could be very distracting).

Key stakeholder groups determined to preserve and make accessible the nation’s audiovisual heritage have published a report claiming the recent integration of the National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA) with the Australian Film Commission (AFC) in July 2003 has linked two dissimilar bodies on unequal terms without a philosophical basis for the union. The groups have called for the NFSA to become a permanent, autonomous national institution with its own statutory base and legal personality.

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