BBC Motion Gallery: snookered, revved and curled

BBC Motion Gallery, the archive clips sales arm of BBC Worldwide, has bolstered its specialist sports footage by signing several key distribution deals. Effective immediately, BBC Motion Gallery has s
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BBC Motion Gallery, the archive clips sales arm of BBC Worldwide, has bolstered its specialist sports footage by signing several key distribution deals. Effective immediately, BBC Motion Gallery has signed five year worldwide archive distribution deals with both World Snooker Association and Aero Grand Prix (GP). BBC Motion Gallery also continues to expand and diversify its extreme sports footage and has added further content from the well-known Rip Curl archive.

The World Snooker deal includes some of the sport’s most iconic moments taken from the World Snooker Championship, UK Championship and The Masters events. Footage includes some of the sports most famous moments including Dennis Taylor’s extraordinary final black ball finish in 1985 against Steve Davis and Ronnie O’Sullivan recording the fastest ever 147 in an unbelievable 5 minutes and 20 seconds.

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