Noyce: Noyce on Sundee (and Fridee)

While the rest of Australia writhes in jealous rage, ASDA is running a couple of Phil Noyce films, in the presence of head ratbag Noyce and Her Maj. Ms Margaret Pomerantz.
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While the rest of Australia writhes in jealous rage, ASDA is running a couple of Phil Noyce films, in the presence of head ratbag Noyce and Her Maj. Ms Margaret Pomerantz. Backroads (1977) starring Bill Hunter, Gary Foley and Julie McGregor.

6.30pm Sunday, April 9
Clear and Present Danger (1994) starring Harrison Ford and Willem Defoe
Phillip Noyce and Margaret Pomeranz will hold a Q&A session after the screening of Clear and Present Danger. Complimentary NOYCE BROS WINE and FOOD will be served.

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