ADG: ABC Hinders Access to Archives

The Australian Directors Guild is extremely concerned at the recent attempts by the ABC to deny Independent film Producers Nick Torrens and Frank Haines access to ABC archives, which is crucial to the
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The Australian Directors Guild is extremely concerned at the recent attempts by the ABC to deny Independent film Producers Nick Torrens and Frank Haines access to ABC archives, which is crucial to their production concerning the history of the Liberal party.

We now understand that the ABC may allow the producers to purchase footage if the producers agree to broadcast their series only after an ABC series of a similar nature has gone to air, and only if they use material that the ABC has approved. The producers are unable to give a guarantee on the first point as they have no control over the ABC or SBS transmission date, secondly they have no control over what material the ABC will approve. Consequently, the entire series has been seriously jeopardised and the ability of independent filmmakers to make programs of national interest has been severely compromised. This is of grave concern not only to all filmmakers and journalists, but to the Australian public as well, and is setting a precedent which is unacceptable.

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