SPAA: head of BBC Natural History Unit, Neil Nightingale, to sing prettily at conference

This year's SPAA Conference will introduce DOCO Day to its programme with a special address by Neil Nightingale, Head of the BBC Natural History Unit, on Thursday, 13 November at 10:30am at the Sherat
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This year’s SPAA Conference will introduce DOCO Day to its programme with a special address by Neil Nightingale, Head of the BBC Natural History Unit, on Thursday, 13 November at 10:30am at the Sheraton Mirage on the Gold Coast.

Neil Nightingale, brought to SPAA by BBC Worldwide Australia, has been Head of the BBC Natural History Unit since February 2003. Since that time the unit has produced a diverse range of natural history content, on television, radio, online and for the cinema, maintaining the BBC’s reputation for definitive and groundbreaking factual programmes that inform and entertain audiences. Recent programmes include the critically acclaimed and award-winning, Life In Cold Blood, Planet Earth, the Saving Planet Earth season, Wild China, Big Cat Diary, and Elephant Diary to name just a few.

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