Queensland: wearing its shorts proudly

Despite Brisbane recently holding the last hurrah for Screen Oz funded shorts in the shape of Frazer Bailey‘s G.O.D (featuring David Wenham as The Almighty, nothing short of brilliant, surely) there’s
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Despite Brisbane recently holding the last hurrah for Screen Oz funded shorts in the shape of Frazer Bailey‘s G.O.D (featuring David Wenham as The Almighty, nothing short of brilliant, surely) there’s plenty of optimism about for short films and the festivals that screen them in the Sunshine State.

So far the upswing has been responsible for Queensland hosting Green Fest, the Other Film Festival, In the Bin, Liquid Lens, The Queensland Short Film Festival, Brisbane International Animation Festival, Heart of Gold as well as the ongoing Flickerfest and Tropfest touring programme. And that’s only the festivals with short films at their core; BIFF continues to balance their focus on international short film screenings alongside their ongoing competitive events, QNFA and The Courier Mail Queensland Short Film Festival (QSFC). If short film’s your bag in the river city, the avenues to get your work seen are wide open.

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Ruari Elkington
About the Author
Ruari Elkington works in theatrical and DVD distribution for Gil Scrine Films and Antidote Films, coordinates short courses for AFTRS and writes about film and screen culture when he can.