Nickelodeon Animation Opportunity: annual competition open to world

The Nickelodeon Animation Festival extends its global search for the animators of the future with a call for entries Wednesday, July 1, through Tuesday, Sept. 8.
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NEW YORK, July 1, 2009 The Nickelodeon Animation Festival extends its global search for the animators of the future with a call for entries Wednesday, July 1, through Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Formerly titled the Nicktoons Network Animation Festival, the Nickelodeon Animation Festival is the first and only multiplatform festival in North America and this year will feature six awards, including the newly created “15 Seconds to Fame” Award that asks animators to submit 15 seconds of an animated funny character. Submissions will be showcased on-air, online and at a live event this October. Entry forms and contest details are available on

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