Sanctum: no sanctuary from currency nightmare

Costing $AU30m, financed from the United States, four weeks out from production, how is 3D cave saga Sanctum, produced by Andrew Wight with James Cameron, dealing with the climbing dollar?
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Costing $AU30m, financed from the United States, four weeks out from production, how is 3D cave saga Sanctum, produced by Andrew Wight with James Cameron, dealing with the climbing dollar?

“I’ve had many sleepless nights, getting up and four in the morning and looking at the currency rates in New York on the computer. Then I feel sick, watching my project evaporate before my very eyes.” Andrew Wight financed Sanctum first in March, when the dollar was at 64c. And he admitted that this was his main motivation – he knew at that exchange rate, he had a viable deal even without the rebate.

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